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Ben kings hundred words feb 27th3/27/2020 Today was a really good day. First Fritz, Bridget, Spencer and I got breakfast, then we went back to the hotel to rest then pick up Zoey and Patrick to go to the jail. Then, the jail was really fun too, and after that we got really good food, I got a burger, and then we went to this really cool war memorial and found a really sweet dog!! After we saw the dog, I climbed a big wall, and it was super cool being up that high. After this, we went back to the hotel, and for dinner, me, Zoey, Alex, and Spencer got food from an Irish Chipotle.
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Feb 26th Bens Hundred Words3/27/2020 I had a pretty good time today! First, we went to the Abbey Theatre to have a three hour workshop with Chrissie Poulter, and it was better than I expected it to be, and I had a fun time at it. After this, I did project work with Fritz, Bridget, and Spencer, where we went to a castle and then a few churches, which was really interesting. Then, Fritz stopped by a bookstore and that was the happiest I ever have seen anyone. After this, I went to dinner with Alex, Zoey, and Spencer. where we got fish n’ chips and then a Shamrock Shake, which was absolutely, without a doubt, unforgivably terrible. In no way would I ever recommend it to anyone, no matter the situation, as I couldn’t do that to someone knowing how terrible it was. But today was really fun overall.
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Feb 25th Bens Hundred Words3/27/2020 Today, I had a fun day. It started off by going to different museums and exhibits with Patrick, Spender, Bridget, and Zoey. After visiting like four interesting museums & exhibits, we went to lunch and headed to the Abbey Theatre. We listened in to this presentation for about an hour and then I went to dinner at this ramen place with Zoey, Alex, and Spencer. Here, I learned how to use chopsticks, which is super cool honestly. Then, we saw the Fall of the Second Republic, but I wish I understood more of the play, because I didn’t know much of the background or meaning behind most of the jokes in the play. It was still entertaining to watch, though, and I had a pretty good day.
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Feb 24th Hunnid Words Ben3/27/2020 Today, we had a workshop at the Abbey Theatre, which was pretty interesting, and I really liked the instructor’s way of getting us engaged, as it really worked for me. After this, I went to lunch with Spencer, Bridget, and Fritz, but I didn’t get any food because I was on my meds. Then, we went on a tour of the historical portions of the city, which was pretty cool, but it was super cold so it made it a bit harder to sit still outside in that cold weather. After that, I did some project work with Fritz, Spencer, and Bridget, and then we met up with Siggy, Emma, Mary-Ella, and Rose to get dinner at this really expensive place, but it was really good so that’s fine!
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Feb 23rd Hundred Words by Benny K3/27/2020 Today was honestly pretty good, too. We first went to the train station to leave Belfast, which was super sad because I loved Belfast. Then, I went to St. George’s market with a few other people, and came back to the train station with enough time to chill at da train station for a moment. Then, we took a really fast train to Dublin, which was amazing because I ended up loving Dublin, too, because the city is so beautiful from what I got to see from the tour we took. I am looking forward to what Dublin has in store!
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ben king hunnid words feb 22nd3/27/2020 Today we did some really cool things. We started the day off with breakfast at St. George’s market, where I got a really cool souvenir for my mom. After this, we split up to go to our project spots, and I went with Patrick to the MAC, which was pretty interesting. After this, I went to the mall to shop with Zoey, Margaret, Spencer, and Bridget and I got a cool hat. We then went to the hotel for a while, where we then went to the workshop at the theatre, then I got dinner with a few others and honestly had a pretty amazing day.
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Ben kings 100 words for Feb 21st3/27/2020 Today, we went on a cab tour, which was amazing and hilarious, especially with the three tour guides named “Patrick.” We got to see a few murals, as well as important cultural artifacts such as these massive walls with street art on them. After this, we went to the Kabosh Theater, where we split up into groups afterwards. I went with Spencer, Zoey, Alex, Siggy, and Fritz to lunch then to the hotel then to the laundromat, then back to the hotel. After this, Spencer, Zoey, Fritz and I got dinner and chilled in the hotel. Today was very chill.
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Hundred words by ben k for Feb 20th3/27/2020 Today, we left London for Belfast, and I’m super excited about that. In my opinion, London was a bit underwhelming and I’m looking forward to what Belfast holds in store for us! So far, it’s been so cool and amazing, especially the tour and restaurants we’ve been to/visited. The hotel is also such an upgrade from London and I’m excited to be in a hotel room with space finally! Today was really tiring and cold, though, however that happens, so it doesn’t really matter. Nonetheless, I had an amazing time today so far and I hope Ireland can keep up this great experience I’m having.
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Ben K’s hundred words Feb 19th3/27/2020 I thought today was OK, it was certainly not bad, but it wasn’t the best day so far. We went to the Almeida Theatre first thing to do the workshop, which was pretty fun, but I’m not big into meaningful acting. Then, I got lunch with Zoey, Bridget, and Fritz. After this, we went to see “Albion,” which was my favorite play so far, and I found it to be really interesting. After this, some of us went back to the hotel, and I got dinner with Spencer, Bridget, Siggy and Ella. Overall, I only had a decent time today, but that’s better than a bad time.
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ben k hundred words feb 18th3/27/2020 Today was an alright day. We started off the day by waiting for the changing of the guards in our assigned groups, but it didn’t actually happen that day, so we stood there waiting for about an hour for nothing. Then we saw some cool army guys do some cool routine after this. Then, we did the lines from Endgame and got lunch, then met up with the whole group to see Endgame. Then I got fondue with Zoey, Bridget, and Alex, which was pretty good because I never had fondue before.
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feb 17th hundred words ben k3/27/2020 Today, I had such a fun time. My assigned group of four with Owen, Leila, and Anna was a fun group and we saw quite a few cool things. We couldn’t really go into many museums because they were all super expensive, but we still got to see the Benjamin Franklin house as well as go to Buckingham Palace, which was cool to see. Later, we went to see Death of England which was fun, then I got dinner with Zoey, Alex, and Bridget, and we walked around and Alex and I got on the carousel and had a pretty fye time. It was a really cool day.
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spontaneity - rose3/10/2020 today was a beautifully spontaneous last day of our trip. after visiting the bustling dublin castle, making our way through a market, and stopping for a brief yet delicious lunch at boojum, we wandered into a photography gallery that we thought was the one we had planned to see. we ended up loving the random images that were blown up on the wall much more than anything else we saw when we eventually got to the national photography archive. after this, we walked a few feet, all of our minds put together pondering where we’d go next, and in front of us was an enchanting vintage shop. we shopped there and then discovered that the winding streets we were on were littered with similar stores. we wove through each store, each one making us happier and more excited than the last. spontaneity is truly divine.
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chrissy poulter constantly spews honest and relatable words. i found myself writing furiously in my commonplace book (i have to give credit where credit is due — my dad frequently uses the phrase “you’re writing furiously in that little brown book,” and i thought it fitting to steal his verb here) whenever she was explaining something and every time she responded to a question that had been posed. i am impressed by the forensic way she sees the world and the possibilities that perspective brings. i love the way that she automatically factors vulnerability and comfort zones into her work. she’s the kind of person i would love to sit down to coffee with and listen to all of her life stories and experiences. i feel increasingly lucky with each new professional that i meet that i've had this opportunity to get to know some amazing humans who stand out in their field and literally possess the ability to change lives.
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my love for emer hackett - rose3/10/2020 emer hackett was an inspiring feminist character in a storyline that emphasized the limited amount of respect women were yielded during her time. here’s why i love her: she’s honest, imperfect, and extremely determined. from the beginning of the story, emer knew that she wanted to make a difference in the world through journalism. through all of the mistakes she’s made (making up a quote, stealing tom carney’s documents, and inputting finnbar as the author to a controversial piece she wrote and snuck onto the front page of the newspaper), she still perseveres. i mean, the play ended with emer visibly pregnant while hacking away at her type writer (pun intended). she was self aware enough to know that marriage with finnbar wasn’t what she wanted. she was frustrated and angry with the political corruption occurring in her country. she cared. consistently. throughout the entire story. sometimes, all we need to achieve change is for someone to truly, deeply care.
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block - rose3/10/2020 shaun dunne is incredible. the workshop we did with him will remain with me for as long as i create. i often experience a block when i’m trying to make something, and at this point, i’d just consider it lucky if i ever got an uninterrupted stream of creativity and ideas. however, i realized in talking to shaun that i have the power to give myself the gift of an uninterrupted stream of creativity and ideas if i acknowledge the block that i’m having and think about why it’s there. i don’t have to wait around helplessly until i suddenly have the idea for a project that comes to fruition in ten minutes. i can create that for myself by working with my blocks/obstacles instead of against them. additionally, shaun validated for me that being afraid an audience won’t have a reaction to my art is a healthy fear, and it shouldn’t stop me from putting all of my passion into my work.
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a poem to my former self - rose3/10/2020 “maybe the things we can’t look in the eye are the things we came here to see”
at the poetry jukebox, this line stopped me in my tracks. perhaps this was because it resonated so deeply with me. maybe because it’s the words i wish i could tell my former self. either way, i wrote a short poem about it. it will always find you. you can run, and you can hide it will still always find you. you can jump and you can fly and even then, it will always find you. avoidance is simply procrastination, putting off the inevitable, wandering without a destination. you set yourself up to fail, you fall on your own sword, you fuel the wrong fire when you choose to ignore. escapism is an art, trust me, i thought i’d mastered it... until every time i looked in the mirror, i saw someone made of plastic.
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free - rose3/10/2020 “what you want to do will find you,” patrick said. a pensive expression had taken over his usually cheery face while he delivered this beautifully poignant and timely advice to the handful of us perched in the back of his cab. i’ve heard this in different forms many times before, but until now, i hadn’t ever been able to get myself to believe it or let it sink in. instead, i’d let my worries about my future consume my mind. but there was something about the earnest way that patrick stopped everything he was doing just to give us this message that drove his point straight home. the use of the verb “find” specifically wiped away all of my lingering anxiety. i’m not supposed to be the one who is doing the finding! in that moment, i was set free. free to explore what i love. free to enjoy the small moments. i realized that incessantly searching for and ruminating about how i want to spend the rest of my life does not promote mindfulness and will always jolt me into the future instead of grounding me in the present.
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journey - rose3/10/2020 into the tunnel and through the farmland to dublin, ireland we go...
today’s travel day was a sweet one. i had the most delicious pad thai on the train, looked out over the beautiful english countryside, and got excited about things i want to see in dublin. i had an inkling that i would like this city a bit better than belfast, and i was right. i love that it’s eccentric, welcoming, and bursting with utter joy (just listen — the sound of the city is music). i also love that i felt confident and very mindful while i lead my scavenger hunt group to the statue of molly malone. i volunteered to navigate without thinking twice and i felt very grounded in what i was doing and in knowing the status of every group member.
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I Miss my Hat-Kelsey3/2/2020 I miss my hat. The splashes of orange, green, and white. Oh how I really miss my hat with its so soft insides. Its cuddly insides. How I really really miss my hat. It covered my ears with warm hugs in the cold of London and Belfast. Too bad it died on the train ride into Dublin. My ears so cold, so lost, so lonely. Oh how I really, really, really miss my hat. Its fluff ball almost the size of my head flapping and flopping in the wind. How I really, really, really, really miss my favorite winter hat.
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Today my one hundred words gets a very special treat. I am going to be writing phrases that I like starting with the amazingly talented Shaun Dunne, your welcome. Now buckle up and grab yourself some popcorn.
-“I understand that I am hard to understand.” (Shaun Dunne) -“Herstory Heroine” (women’s exhibit in the same building as the EPIC museum) -“To ask for freedom is not a crime” (EPIC museum floor) -“ Take a seat and be inspired” (EPIC museum seat) -“The good, the bad, and the Irish” (EPIC museum wall for who dunnit game) -“I’m not a humanitarian, I’m a hell-raiser.” (Mary Harris Jones) -“We all come from somewhere” (EPIC museum) -She wouldn’t mind” (one of the most inspiring woman I have ever had the privilege to listen to, Athena Stevens) -“Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It’s Brexitman” (online when researching for passion project) - If buildings could talk” (The back of a man’s jacket in Belfast’s city hall) (also related somewhat to Ella’s poetry) -“No place for hate” (a Belfast bus) *Disclosure: this statement plus all words in parentheses do not and will not be included in the counting of a hundred words and are there for explanation and credit giving.*
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dialectical - rose3/2/2020 today was an action packed, emotion filled day. going from our workshop at the almeida to albion to notes to the forgotten she-wolves, i was consistently engaged and constantly having new thoughts. i am so happy about our workshop with emily and allie. so impressed by the cast of albion. and so grateful to everyone who participated in notes to the forgotten she-wolves. looking down from my bench at the beautiful candle filled chandeliers in the sam wanamaker playhouse and the powerful women who gave voices to the voiceless, i was moved to tears. i could relate to their words. and that was both validating and saddening at the same time.
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unfamiliar - rose3/2/2020 belfast is beautiful. it’s strange being in a city so far away and so foreign. london is familiar to me, with the whoosh of air that hits me as i get off the tube, the rainy weather, and the trademark english accent. there is no tube in belfast, it’s colder here, and the irish accent is almost impossible to master (despite this, i’m still eager to try). i do love the street art in Northern Ireland and the deeply rooted history of polarization is intriguing. i always wonder when i go somewhere new, “what would my life be like if i lived here? how would it differ?” i wish i could live several lives, each as a woman with a different nationality. i know what it is to be american, but i want to know what it is to be authentically english and irish.
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Thank You (Mika, From Home)2/29/2020 So, I know we don’t have to write one today. Our trip is done, after all. I mean, I still have an entire project to do, but you get the point.
But I wanted to say thank you. At the start of this trip, I didn’t know most of your names, and now I consider most of you friends. And it’s going to be weird, right? Because we all know that if we weren’t friends before these not a high chance we’ll hang out after this. But thank you. All of you. I have fantastic memories with all of you that I don’t have the space to type up here, but I’m really glad I met all of you, and I hope we meet again soon. For our amazing teachers - Dr. Holt, thank you for everything you’ve done for all of us. Megan - thank you for all of the comfort you’ve given me. I’m so grateful for everything you’ve done for me and the group as a whole. To Chris and Patrick, if you ever end up reading this, thank you so much for leading us around the cities and providing us insights. Thank you all so much!
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Airport Sleepover (Mika, Day 14)2/29/2020 There’s something
To be said About being jet lagged, Being tired, Being in pain And dizzy And nauseous But still happy. Maybe it’s part Of the overpriced Airport environment. Maybe It’s that our guards were down So were more in love The usual. There’s something extraordinary About traveling With your best friend, And talking about Everything And nothing, Like a sleepover Just the two of you, Knowing you should be asleep, But the world melts away And all that matters is each other. Something comforting About knowing more of them With each word they speak, Something blissful About how easy It is to exist. |