vocabulary wiki
student-sourced examples of fascinating vocabulary words & their definitions drawn from chaucer's canterbury tales

Achatours: Buyers of foo. Norton (Ethan Ho)
abid = wait!(https://sites.fas.harvard.edu/~chaucer/teachslf/wbt-par.htm) (Sara)
Anlass: dagger (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Sophia)
Accordant: agreeing or conforming (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/accordant?s=t) - Samantha
Anglo-Saxon: refers to the Germanic people, the Angles, the Saxons, and the Jutes, who settled in Europe in the 5th and 6th centuries. (Amy)
Anglo-Saxon Invasion of Britain - The Anglo-Saxons were attacking and invading Britain during the fall of the Roman Empire in about 450. They settled in the eastern part of the island and began to push westward farther into the island over time. The Anglicans people that were settling in England were not unified; they had several tribes. Each tribe had a king and the kings had committals relationships with their kinsman. The Britons eventually formed the country of Scotland. The Anglo-saxons brought the germanic language to the island and many of modern english words have germanic origins. (Kira)
Alle- All, everyone http://www.literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/alle_and_some (Rachel)
Annuities - A fixed sum of money paid to someone each year. (Barrett)
Aristocratic- Belonging to an aristocracy, meaning the highest social class of a community or a government made up of a small privileged class. (Truly)
Assent- the expression of agreement (Luis)
Annuities- a fixed sum of money paid to someone each year, typically for the rest of their life (Cole)
accord: To agree and to be in that state of agreement. THis could also be a noun, meaning harmony with relationships (Alexander)
Amor Vincit Omnia - "Love Conqueres All" in Latin (Lawrence)
Anon - soon or shortly like "I'll see you anon"(Not to be confused with Anonymous ;P) (Lawrence)
Abbot - a man who is the head or superior of a monastery http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/abbot (Thomas W)
Array- the dress someone wears (Wolf)
Apothecaries - Person who sells medicine and drugs (Lawrence)
Alderbest: best of all (Amy) (Will) (Norton Anthology)
Anoint- To choose by or as if by divine intervention. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/anoint (Ethan Ho)
arrerage: convict him of being in arrears financially (miles) Norton Anthology
Assize- A judicial inquest (Truly- http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/assize)
Avaunt - boast (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Sophia)
Achatours - buyers of food(http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Sophia)
absolucioun- leaving naught of dread. (Mattox)
Asonder- spread out http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/asunder (GT)
Achatours- buyers of food (Wolf)
Ale-stake- banner or poll signifying a tavern nearby (Wolf)
Apes- dupes (Norton book). Max D.
Avis- long discussion (Norton) (Ahmadu)
Anoon - At once (Norton Anthology) (Barrett)
Alight- to land (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/alight) (Ahmadu)
Anon- In a short time (Truly-http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/anon)
Assent- To agree or approve. (Truly-http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/assent)
Avis: deliberation (Amy) (Norton Anthology)
Aller- All of (Mattox)
Amorwe - to love (Jacob:http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/amore)
Avis- deliberation (Norton Anthology)
A devele way - in the devil's name (Norton) (Sophia)
Alday - constantly (Norton Anthology) Noah
Aphorism - (noun) a terse saying embodying a general truth, or astute observation, as “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely” (Lord Acton). http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/aphorism?s=t (Jessica Taetle)
Avoi: Expresses disgust and annoyance (dictionary.reference.com) (Kori)
Apoplexye - unconsciousness (wiki) (Kira)
Anoon- adv. straightway, at once, immediately (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Cole)
Ascensioun - the accent of christ into heaven (wiki) (Kira)
Affeccioun: emotion (Norton) (Sophia)
Amorous- inclined to love, usually sexually (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/amorous) (Ahmadu)
astrology: the study of the movement of celestial bodies, like stars or planets. (Alexander)
Abroche: Open
Agast: to terrify ( http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Agast) Luis
Anoonright- at once or immediately (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Anon+right) (Ahmadu)
Aferd - Frightened (Jacob: Norton)
auctoritee = written authority, an authoritative statement or passage (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Sara)

Biforn: Before. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Biforn (Ethan Ho)
Bigamye: the act of going through a marriage ceremony while already married to another person. (googledictionary.com) (Luis)
Beggestere- Female beggar. Norton Anthology. (Ethan Ho)
baillif = a person charged with local administrative authority; chief magistrate of certain towns (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/bailiff) (Sara)
bokeler balled- bald (Norton Anthology) (Annalise)
2. Battle of Maldon - took place in England on the shore of the River Blackwater in Essex . Byrhtnoth is remembered from this battle as he led the Anglo-Saxons against the invading Vikings (Tyrik)
beddes- Obsolete spelling of bed.http://www.yourdictionary.com/bedde (Rachel)
3. Body Politic- The people of a politically organised nation or state considered as a group. (Neal)
biside – beside, at the side of, next to (google’s definition) (Zach)
Bismotered - Bespattered, soiled (http://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/m/mec/med-idx?type=id&id=MED4848) / Max F.
Bismotered- spoiled (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/schmutz0- Samuel P.
Berye - Berry (https://en.glosbe.com/enm/en/berye) / Max F.
burgeis – burgher – a citizen of a town or city, typically a member of the wealthy bourgeoisie (google's definition) (Zach)
biside – beside, at the side of, next to (google’s definition) (Zach)
Biggone - Person who sat at the seat of honor at a military feast (Norton Anthology) (Will)
Bismotered - person who is spoiled (http://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/m/mec/med-idx?type=id&id=MED4848)
Bokeler-buckler, small shield http://www.literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/bokeler,_bokeleer (Rachel)
Brooch- a piece of jewelry worn on clothing attached with a closable pin (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/brooch) (Ahmadu)
Bismotered: Rust stained (Norton Anthology), Max Dudukovich
Baudrik: Baldric (miles) Norton Anthology
Biforn (preposition) - Before. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Biforn (Jessica Taetle (Will)
Bracer (noun) - a person or thing that braces, binds, or makes firm. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/bracer (Jessica Taetle)
Beggestere- noun. Beggar- woman (Olivia D) (Will)
Biforn - in front of; before (https://en.glosbe.com/enm/en/biforn) (Cole)
Bismotered - soiled http://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/m/mec/med-idx?type=id&id=MED4848 (Gus Gl)
Bigonne - Sat in the seat of honor at military feasts
Bifel- verb (it) happened http://dictionary.babylon.com/bifel,_bifil/ (Ethan Ho)
Benefice - a position or post granted to an ecclesiastic that guarantees a fixedamount of property or income. (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/benefice?s=t) - Samantha Dyer
Bel ami - "Fine friend" (Kappy)
Belle chose - "Beautiful thing" (Kappy) ( (Wife Prol 447, 510))
boone = request or prayer (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Sara)
Burgher- an inhabitant of a town, especially a member of the middle class;citizen. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/burgher (Ethan Ho)
Bitwixen - Between (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/bitwixen) / Max F.
Herberwe - inn. lodging (Thomas W, http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm)
Burgeis - burgher (Norton Anthology) (Barrett)
Bade- To order to do (Truly- http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bid)
Bifalle- befall or something happening to someone (Mattox)
Blithe - joyous or merry http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/blithe (Tyrik)
Bereth - to acquit http://www.literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/bereth (Tyrik)
Burgeys- citizen of a city (http://www.literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/burgeys) (Kira)
Biginne- begin (Norton Anthology)
Beestes - beasts (Thomas W - http://sites.fas.harvard.edu/~chaucer/glossar.htm)
Bradwardin - Thomas Bradwardine was an archbishop of Canterbury (Norton) Noah
Biwrayest: disclose (Norton Anthology) - Amy
Bier - (noun) a frame or stand on which a corpse or the coffin containing it is laid before burial. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/bier (Jessica Taetle)
Bareheaded (adjective) - with the head uncovered. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/bareheaded (Jessica Taetle)
Balkes: rafters (Norton) (Sophia)
beshrew: to make evil http://findwords.info/term/beshrew (Connor)
Biset - to fill, occupy, to surround http://bennetdictionary.com/?s=biset (Peggy)
biitore - (noun) a type of bird. By comparing the woman's speech to its warbles, the passage draws upon the antifeminist tradition of denying that women were capable of meaningful speech. http://www.shmoop.com/the-wife-of-baths-tale/women-femininity-quotes-4.html (Jessica Taetle)
biwrey- reveal, expose (http://www.librarius.com/canttran/wftltrfs.htm) Olivia D
Burghes- Burrows or a town(http://www.librarius.com/canttran/wftltrfs.htm) Joseph
Bifel- (it) happened(http://www.librarius.com/canttran/wftltrfs.htm) Joseph
Brend - burned (Jacob: Norton)
Britouns: Breton (Matt) (http://www.literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/Britouns)
Bigamye: the act of going through a marriage ceremony while already married to another person. (googledictionary.com) (Luis)
Beggestere- Female beggar. Norton Anthology. (Ethan Ho)
baillif = a person charged with local administrative authority; chief magistrate of certain towns (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/bailiff) (Sara)
bokeler balled- bald (Norton Anthology) (Annalise)
- Benedictine
- Roman Catholic Church(Joseph)
2. Battle of Maldon - took place in England on the shore of the River Blackwater in Essex . Byrhtnoth is remembered from this battle as he led the Anglo-Saxons against the invading Vikings (Tyrik)
beddes- Obsolete spelling of bed.http://www.yourdictionary.com/bedde (Rachel)
3. Body Politic- The people of a politically organised nation or state considered as a group. (Neal)
biside – beside, at the side of, next to (google’s definition) (Zach)
Bismotered - Bespattered, soiled (http://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/m/mec/med-idx?type=id&id=MED4848) / Max F.
Bismotered- spoiled (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/schmutz0- Samuel P.
Berye - Berry (https://en.glosbe.com/enm/en/berye) / Max F.
burgeis – burgher – a citizen of a town or city, typically a member of the wealthy bourgeoisie (google's definition) (Zach)
biside – beside, at the side of, next to (google’s definition) (Zach)
Biggone - Person who sat at the seat of honor at a military feast (Norton Anthology) (Will)
Bismotered - person who is spoiled (http://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/m/mec/med-idx?type=id&id=MED4848)
Bokeler-buckler, small shield http://www.literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/bokeler,_bokeleer (Rachel)
Brooch- a piece of jewelry worn on clothing attached with a closable pin (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/brooch) (Ahmadu)
Bismotered: Rust stained (Norton Anthology), Max Dudukovich
Baudrik: Baldric (miles) Norton Anthology
Biforn (preposition) - Before. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Biforn (Jessica Taetle (Will)
Bracer (noun) - a person or thing that braces, binds, or makes firm. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/bracer (Jessica Taetle)
Beggestere- noun. Beggar- woman (Olivia D) (Will)
Biforn - in front of; before (https://en.glosbe.com/enm/en/biforn) (Cole)
Bismotered - soiled http://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/m/mec/med-idx?type=id&id=MED4848 (Gus Gl)
Bigonne - Sat in the seat of honor at military feasts
Bifel- verb (it) happened http://dictionary.babylon.com/bifel,_bifil/ (Ethan Ho)
Benefice - a position or post granted to an ecclesiastic that guarantees a fixedamount of property or income. (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/benefice?s=t) - Samantha Dyer
Bel ami - "Fine friend" (Kappy)
Belle chose - "Beautiful thing" (Kappy) ( (Wife Prol 447, 510))
boone = request or prayer (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Sara)
Burgher- an inhabitant of a town, especially a member of the middle class;citizen. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/burgher (Ethan Ho)
Bitwixen - Between (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/bitwixen) / Max F.
Herberwe - inn. lodging (Thomas W, http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm)
Burgeis - burgher (Norton Anthology) (Barrett)
Bade- To order to do (Truly- http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bid)
Bifalle- befall or something happening to someone (Mattox)
Blithe - joyous or merry http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/blithe (Tyrik)
Bereth - to acquit http://www.literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/bereth (Tyrik)
Burgeys- citizen of a city (http://www.literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/burgeys) (Kira)
Biginne- begin (Norton Anthology)
Beestes - beasts (Thomas W - http://sites.fas.harvard.edu/~chaucer/glossar.htm)
Bradwardin - Thomas Bradwardine was an archbishop of Canterbury (Norton) Noah
Biwrayest: disclose (Norton Anthology) - Amy
Bier - (noun) a frame or stand on which a corpse or the coffin containing it is laid before burial. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/bier (Jessica Taetle)
Bareheaded (adjective) - with the head uncovered. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/bareheaded (Jessica Taetle)
Balkes: rafters (Norton) (Sophia)
beshrew: to make evil http://findwords.info/term/beshrew (Connor)
Biset - to fill, occupy, to surround http://bennetdictionary.com/?s=biset (Peggy)
biitore - (noun) a type of bird. By comparing the woman's speech to its warbles, the passage draws upon the antifeminist tradition of denying that women were capable of meaningful speech. http://www.shmoop.com/the-wife-of-baths-tale/women-femininity-quotes-4.html (Jessica Taetle)
biwrey- reveal, expose (http://www.librarius.com/canttran/wftltrfs.htm) Olivia D
Burghes- Burrows or a town(http://www.librarius.com/canttran/wftltrfs.htm) Joseph
Bifel- (it) happened(http://www.librarius.com/canttran/wftltrfs.htm) Joseph
Brend - burned (Jacob: Norton)
Britouns: Breton (Matt) (http://www.literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/Britouns)

Clepe- to call; name http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/clepe (Ethan Ho)
Condicioun - a situation or state; circumstances of life or existence http://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/m/mec/med-idx?type=id&id=MED8867 (Gus Gl)
carf biforn- carved before (Wolf)
Continental: a reference to the 13 colonies. “concerned with defending their Continental possessions” (Amy)
Cuckold: A man whose wife is unfaithful. (Thomas W) (Neal)
Chapeleyne- The secretary that The Prioress brings with her, (a.k.a the Second Nun) (Olivia D) (http://www.gradesaver.com/the-canterbury-tales/study-guide/summary-general-prologue)
Chrétien de Troyes - A twelfth-century poet that helped invent the romance genre of western literature. Before, most stories were about battles, mead halls, Christianity, and defeating monsters (like in Beowulf). Now, romance is one of the most popular literature genres. (Kat)
Chivalrye- nobility, knights http://literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/chivalrie,_chivalrye (GT)
Curteisye- gracious and considerate, good manners http://literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/curteisie (GT)
Conseile- to advise someone (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Ahmadu)
Conseil- secrets (Norton Anthology) (Ahmadu)
canonized (pg.15): declared as being fundamental in the creation of something, in Chaucer's case, the father of English poetry (Samuel)chivalrye — chivalry (noun): the medieval knightly system with its religious, moral, and social code. (Timo)
cloistre (185) = a place of religious seclusion (i.e. a monastery) (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/cloister) (Sara)
Cloystre - monastery (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Sophia)
Carf - carved (http://genius.com/2611162) (Cole)
Cleped: named (Amy) (Norton Anthology)
Curat- parish priest (Norton Anthology) (Annalise)
Chivachye: Cavalry (Norton Anthology), Max Dudukovich
Corages: their hearts (miles) Norton Anthology
cloisterer- one who lives in a monastery (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cloisterer) (Annalise)
Cloystre - (noun) monastery (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Cole)
Celle: Prior of an outlying cell of a monastery (miles) Norton Anthology
concubin = an unmarried woman who has sex with a man and lives with the man and his wife or wives (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/concubine) (Sara)
Condicioun- condition (Wolf)
Curteis- noble (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/curteis) (Kira)
Caas- case, condition (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Cole)
Chevissaunce- financial arrangements (Olivia D) (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm#chevyssaunce)
cloisterless- kept away from the monasteries, comes from the absence of a cloister, or a monastery that is made to keep you sheltered from the outside world. (Alexander)
Curate: a member of the clergy engaged as assistant to a vicar, rector, or parish priest. (dictionaryreference.com) (Luis)
Condicioun - a situation or state, circumstances of life or existence
Compagnie – group (itallian) https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/compagine (harlan)
Contrite - (adjective) caused by or showing sincere remorse. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/contrite?s=t (Jessica Taetle)
Cape of Finistere - From Gotland (Norton Anthology) (Barrett)
Cofre (Coffer) - a box or chest (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/coffer?s=t) - Samantha Dyer
Chough - a bird believed to be a tattler (Kappy) (Wife Prol 232)
Coffer - chest for valuables (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/coffer)
Cote - Wary and Wise (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/cote?s=t)
Curat - parish priest (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Sophia)
Carl - a peasant of man of of low birth http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/carl (Tyrik)
Courtepy: a type of garment that is draped over the shoulders (Henry) A short coat made of course cloth (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Courtepy) (Cole)
Ceruse - a cosmetic containing white lead (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ceruse) (Kira)
Compaignye- company; accompaniment. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/compaignye. Lindsey
Clause - short space (Thomas W, Norton Anthology)
Clepe- call http://www.literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/clepe (GT)
Cheere - behavior (Thomas W, http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm)
Cok - was rooster for us all (Norton Anthology) (Barrett)
clause: short space (miles) Norton Anthology
Chepe - Cheapside, business center of london (Norton) (Sophia)
Churl: An impolite or mean-spirited person (Alexander) noun A peasant, freeman of the lowest rank (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/churl) (Cole)
Censer: A container used specifically for incense, usually most always for religious purposes (Alexander)
Certes- certainly (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Ahmadu)
Colere- Anger or wrath (Truly- http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/translate/french-english/col%C3%A8re)
Cato/Catoun- Marcus Porcius, a Roman statesmen, solider, and writer (Truly- http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/cato)
Chancel - (noun) the part of a church that contains the altar and seats for the priest and choir. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/chancel (Jessica Taetle)
Cana (noun) - an ancient town in N Israel, in Galilee: scene of Jesus' first miracle. John 2:1, 11. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/cana (Jessica Taetle)
Chirche- church (http://www.literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/chirche_) (Kira)
Chertee- Affection (Mattox)
Chide (verb) - to express disapproval of; scold; reproach: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/chide?s=ts (Jessica Taetle
Chanticleer- Rooster (Truly-http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/chanticleer)
cress: a type of cabbage like plant that can be used for food. It contains pungent leaves, so this word could possibly have a negative connotation. (Alexander)
Constellacioun: horoscope- Norton book (Luis)
Cherl- a rude person; a stingy person; a peasant (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/churl) (Ahmadu)
Coveiteth- to suffer in desire (Mattox)
chese- to choose(http://www.librarius.com/canttran/wftltrfs.htm) Joseph
Condicioun - a situation or state; circumstances of life or existence http://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/m/mec/med-idx?type=id&id=MED8867 (Gus Gl)
carf biforn- carved before (Wolf)
Continental: a reference to the 13 colonies. “concerned with defending their Continental possessions” (Amy)
Cuckold: A man whose wife is unfaithful. (Thomas W) (Neal)
Chapeleyne- The secretary that The Prioress brings with her, (a.k.a the Second Nun) (Olivia D) (http://www.gradesaver.com/the-canterbury-tales/study-guide/summary-general-prologue)
Chrétien de Troyes - A twelfth-century poet that helped invent the romance genre of western literature. Before, most stories were about battles, mead halls, Christianity, and defeating monsters (like in Beowulf). Now, romance is one of the most popular literature genres. (Kat)
Chivalrye- nobility, knights http://literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/chivalrie,_chivalrye (GT)
Curteisye- gracious and considerate, good manners http://literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/curteisie (GT)
Conseile- to advise someone (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Ahmadu)
Conseil- secrets (Norton Anthology) (Ahmadu)
canonized (pg.15): declared as being fundamental in the creation of something, in Chaucer's case, the father of English poetry (Samuel)chivalrye — chivalry (noun): the medieval knightly system with its religious, moral, and social code. (Timo)
cloistre (185) = a place of religious seclusion (i.e. a monastery) (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/cloister) (Sara)
Cloystre - monastery (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Sophia)
Carf - carved (http://genius.com/2611162) (Cole)
Cleped: named (Amy) (Norton Anthology)
Curat- parish priest (Norton Anthology) (Annalise)
Chivachye: Cavalry (Norton Anthology), Max Dudukovich
Corages: their hearts (miles) Norton Anthology
cloisterer- one who lives in a monastery (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cloisterer) (Annalise)
Cloystre - (noun) monastery (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Cole)
Celle: Prior of an outlying cell of a monastery (miles) Norton Anthology
concubin = an unmarried woman who has sex with a man and lives with the man and his wife or wives (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/concubine) (Sara)
Condicioun- condition (Wolf)
Curteis- noble (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/curteis) (Kira)
Caas- case, condition (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Cole)
Chevissaunce- financial arrangements (Olivia D) (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm#chevyssaunce)
cloisterless- kept away from the monasteries, comes from the absence of a cloister, or a monastery that is made to keep you sheltered from the outside world. (Alexander)
Curate: a member of the clergy engaged as assistant to a vicar, rector, or parish priest. (dictionaryreference.com) (Luis)
Condicioun - a situation or state, circumstances of life or existence
Compagnie – group (itallian) https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/compagine (harlan)
Contrite - (adjective) caused by or showing sincere remorse. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/contrite?s=t (Jessica Taetle)
Cape of Finistere - From Gotland (Norton Anthology) (Barrett)
Cofre (Coffer) - a box or chest (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/coffer?s=t) - Samantha Dyer
Chough - a bird believed to be a tattler (Kappy) (Wife Prol 232)
Coffer - chest for valuables (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/coffer)
Cote - Wary and Wise (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/cote?s=t)
Curat - parish priest (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Sophia)
Carl - a peasant of man of of low birth http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/carl (Tyrik)
Courtepy: a type of garment that is draped over the shoulders (Henry) A short coat made of course cloth (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Courtepy) (Cole)
Ceruse - a cosmetic containing white lead (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ceruse) (Kira)
Compaignye- company; accompaniment. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/compaignye. Lindsey
Clause - short space (Thomas W, Norton Anthology)
Clepe- call http://www.literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/clepe (GT)
Cheere - behavior (Thomas W, http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm)
Cok - was rooster for us all (Norton Anthology) (Barrett)
clause: short space (miles) Norton Anthology
Chepe - Cheapside, business center of london (Norton) (Sophia)
Churl: An impolite or mean-spirited person (Alexander) noun A peasant, freeman of the lowest rank (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/churl) (Cole)
Censer: A container used specifically for incense, usually most always for religious purposes (Alexander)
Certes- certainly (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Ahmadu)
Colere- Anger or wrath (Truly- http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/translate/french-english/col%C3%A8re)
Cato/Catoun- Marcus Porcius, a Roman statesmen, solider, and writer (Truly- http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/cato)
Chancel - (noun) the part of a church that contains the altar and seats for the priest and choir. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/chancel (Jessica Taetle)
Cana (noun) - an ancient town in N Israel, in Galilee: scene of Jesus' first miracle. John 2:1, 11. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/cana (Jessica Taetle)
Chirche- church (http://www.literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/chirche_) (Kira)
Chertee- Affection (Mattox)
Chide (verb) - to express disapproval of; scold; reproach: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/chide?s=ts (Jessica Taetle
Chanticleer- Rooster (Truly-http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/chanticleer)
cress: a type of cabbage like plant that can be used for food. It contains pungent leaves, so this word could possibly have a negative connotation. (Alexander)
Constellacioun: horoscope- Norton book (Luis)
Cherl- a rude person; a stingy person; a peasant (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/churl) (Ahmadu)
Coveiteth- to suffer in desire (Mattox)
chese- to choose(http://www.librarius.com/canttran/wftltrfs.htm) Joseph

Dike- Work hard. Norton. (Ethan Ho)
Dissolution - the undoing or breaking of a bond (miles)
- Dissolution
- Undoing or breaking a bond(Joseph)
Digne- haughty w/ sense of arrogance (Norton Anthology) (Ahmadu)
2. Didactic - intended to teach, particularly in having moral instruction (Tyrik)
diocise = an ecclesiastical district under the jurisdiction of a bishop (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/diocese) (Sara)
3. Draconian-very severe or harsh, comes from the name of a person whose code of laws was excessively harsh (Wolf)
4. Draconian: rigorous; unusually severe or cruel. (Ethan Ho)
5. dronken (135) = drank (https://en.glosbe.com/enm/en/dronken) (Sara)
Drouped- draped- google dictionary (Matt)
6. Daunce - to dance http://www.yourdictionary.com/daunce (Tyrik)
7. Daliaunce - sociability (Kappy)
Daliaunce- Gossip? (Olivia D)
Dorste- dared (Olivia D)
Delve - Dig (Jacob:http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/delve)
Daungerous - Disdainful (Jacob:http://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/disdainful)
Despitous - scornful (Norton Anthology) - Samantha Dyer
Disporte- amuse oneself http://www.literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/disporte
(GT) to divert or amuse (oneself) http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/disport) (Cole)
Dayesye - old english word for Daisy (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/daisy)
dalliance- Flirtatious http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/dalliance- Samuel Polay
dyde- dead (http://findwords.info/term/dyde) Joseph
Digne - Haughty (Jacob:http://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/disdainful)
Dettelees – without debts http://literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/dettelees (Tyrik)
Dokked – cut short http://www.literature-dictionary.org/%3C/dokked (Tyrik)
Dike - Ditch (Jacob:http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/dike)
Daliaunce: Sociability (Henry)
dispense- expenditures (Norton Anthology) (Annalise
Deeth- plague/ black death (norton Book). Max D.
Dyere - A person who's trade is dyeing cloth or other material (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/dyer) / Max F.
Devis - disposal (Norton Anthology) (Barrett)
diglot- speaking two languages http://findwords.info/term/diglot (Rachel)
Draweth - draw http://www.yourdictionary.com/draweth (Tyrik)
Devis- disposal (Norton Anthology)
Dale: a valley (dictionary.reference.com) (Kori)
dighte: had intercourse with (miles) Norton Anthology
Diligence - (noun) - constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken; persistent exertion of body or mind. (Jessica Taetle)
Daun - a lord/clerk (http://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/m/mec/med-idx?type=id&id=MED10585) (Kira)
Devise - to tell/narrate (Matt) (http://www.librarius.com/canttran/wftltrfs.htm)
Distaff- a woman's workplace http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/distaff (GT)

eek, eke = also (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Sara)
Ephemeral: lasting a very short time; short-lived; transitory. (Henry)
Elegiac: expressing sorrow or lamentation. (Amy)
Earl: A British nobleman ranking above a viscount and below a marquis. (Thomas W)
Estates Satire: sets out to expose and pillory typical examples of corruption at all levels of society
estatlich: stately, dignified (Connor)
estat- condition (Norton Anthology) (Annalise)
everichoon — everyone (noun): every person. (Timo)
Engendred: "to bring into existence" -Merriam Webster Dictionary (Kori)
Eek: "also" -Librarius.com (Kori)
encombred – burdened, encumbered (literature-dictionary.org) (Zach)
Embrouded- embroidered (James) http://dictionary.babylon.com/embrouded/
Eke - also (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/eke?s=t) (Gus Glasser)
Electuaries - A medicine substance mixed with honey (Lawrence)
Everichoon- everyone. http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm (Ethan Ho)
Epocurus - an ancient greet philosopher (Wiki)(Kira)
ere = ear (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Sara)
everichon: everyone (http://dictionary.babylon.com/everichon/) Connor
Evensong- vespers, evening prayers (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/evensong) (Cole)
Everywich - Each one, every one. (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Everich) / Max F.
entente: an alliance of parties http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/entente Connor
Ensample: example or illustrative story (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Kori)
elf queene- queen of the fairies (norton Book) Max D.
Expounded: to set forth or state in detail (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/expound) (Kori)

Fowel - Bird (Jacob:http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/fowl)
Fabliau: a short metrical tale, usually ribald and humorous, popular in medieval France. (Henry)
Frontispiece: an illustration facing the title page of a book. (Henry)
fabricated: to invent or create something. However, it is usually done with deceitful intent. (Amy)
fetters: similar to legcuffs, a chain/shackle usually placed on ankles used to restrain prisoners. (Timo)
Flagrant: something considered wrong or immoral (Kappy)
Felawship- no specific definition but found in other archaic texts; middle english word for fellowship (John)
Franklin - Old social class in England. Meant Freeman (Sophia)
- More specifically, a Frankelain is someone who is higher up on the social ladder than his ancestors were, which wasn't as common in the Middle Ages as it is for us today. (Kori)
fetters (pg.9): restraints or chains (Samuel)
ferne: distant or far off (adj) (Connor)
Fynde- provide http://www.literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/fynde
ferthyng: speck, spot, something of little value (Connor) (Will)
Fustian - A thick, durable cloth usually dyed in dark colors (Lawrence)
Floiting: whistling (Amy) (Norton Anthology)
flowr-de-lis (noun): lily (Timo)
Ful semely- completely polite and appropriate
Ferre: Father (Norton Anthology), Max Dudukovich
Forster: A forester/ game keeper http://literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/forster
Familier- Initimate (Olivia D)
Frere- of relating to brotherhood http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/frere?s=t- Samuel Polay
Fetisly - elegantly http://dictionary.babylon.com/fetisly/ (Gus Gl)
Fustian - a stout fabric of cotton and flax (Peggy)
Franklin- Medieval English landowner of free but not noble birth (Truly- http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/franklin)
Ferme- Very hard or stern (Mattox)
felicity: intense happiness! (Alexander )
Foorsoothe: in truth (Henry)
Fader - Father (Jacob)
Fain: gladly (Amy) (Norton Anthology)
Felawe - fellow (https://en.glosbe.com/enm/en/felawe) Noah
Forwoot - Foreknowledge (Norton Anthology) Noah
Falwe - plowed land (Norton Anthology) - Samantha
Fairye - delightful (http://www.librarius.com/canttran/wftltrfs.htm) Olivia D

Gentry: well born and well-bred people; the class below the nobility; upperclass, those who ar enot memebers of the nobiliy but are entitiles to a coat of arms, espically those with lots of land. (Amy)
Germanic invasion of Britain - The Germanic invasion of Britain happened after the Romans left their colony of Britannia to protect Rome. This left Britannia open to the Germanic tribes known as the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes. The real Britons fled to Wales and live there today. (Kat)
Gentry (pg.5): people from noble or high social classed families (Samuel)
gelding (noun): a neutered stallion (Timo)
gentil – gentle (thefreedictionary.com) (Zach)
goode ayains – goodbyes (context clues, no definition I can find) (Zach)
gerland = garland (https://books.google.com/books?id=Cb4VAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA99&lpg=PA99&dq=middle+english+gerland&source=bl&ots=DYSyA-Q2K2&sig=8Fkut-7qwIYbHFFOg5-9BGw3_2Q&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CDoQ6AEwBWoVChMIj9v8z6GvyAIVS3k-Ch1iCweP#v=onepage&q=middle%20english%20gerland&f=false) (Sara)
gnof- a person of low income and rank (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/churl) (Annalise)
Gauded - past tense of Gaud : To pain cheapishly a trinket or in our case, a broach (Lawrence)
Gipoun - jacket worn under armor (http://sitemaker.umich.edu/garmentsinthecanterburytales/knight)
Gore – noun a tapering piece of cloth made or inserted in a skirt, sail, etc. to give it fullness (http://www.yourdictionary.com/gore) flounce, a strip of decorative, usually gathered or pleated material attached by one edge, as on a garment or curtain (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/flounce) (Cole)
Gretteste- Greatest- Google Dictionary (Matt)
Gardinward: garden (Norton) (Sophia
Gost: Spirit (Miles) Norton
Gentilesse - Gentility (Jacob: Norton)
- Gentry households
- Wellborn(Joseph)
Germanic invasion of Britain - The Germanic invasion of Britain happened after the Romans left their colony of Britannia to protect Rome. This left Britannia open to the Germanic tribes known as the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes. The real Britons fled to Wales and live there today. (Kat)
Gentry (pg.5): people from noble or high social classed families (Samuel)
gelding (noun): a neutered stallion (Timo)
gentil – gentle (thefreedictionary.com) (Zach)
goode ayains – goodbyes (context clues, no definition I can find) (Zach)
gerland = garland (https://books.google.com/books?id=Cb4VAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA99&lpg=PA99&dq=middle+english+gerland&source=bl&ots=DYSyA-Q2K2&sig=8Fkut-7qwIYbHFFOg5-9BGw3_2Q&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CDoQ6AEwBWoVChMIj9v8z6GvyAIVS3k-Ch1iCweP#v=onepage&q=middle%20english%20gerland&f=false) (Sara)
gnof- a person of low income and rank (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/churl) (Annalise)
Gauded - past tense of Gaud : To pain cheapishly a trinket or in our case, a broach (Lawrence)
Gipoun - jacket worn under armor (http://sitemaker.umich.edu/garmentsinthecanterburytales/knight)
Gore – noun a tapering piece of cloth made or inserted in a skirt, sail, etc. to give it fullness (http://www.yourdictionary.com/gore) flounce, a strip of decorative, usually gathered or pleated material attached by one edge, as on a garment or curtain (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/flounce) (Cole)
Gretteste- Greatest- Google Dictionary (Matt)
Gardinward: garden (Norton) (Sophia
Gost: Spirit (Miles) Norton
Gentilesse - Gentility (Jacob: Norton)

harneis- equipment (Norton Anthology)(Annalise)
Haberdasshere- someone who works in a shop that sells men's clothes (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/haberdasher) (Kori)
Havenes: Harbors (Henry)
Herkneth- hears, listens to. http://literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/herkneth (Ethan Ho)
hende- gentle and kind (http://everything2.com/title/Hende) (Annalise)
Henry VII -- An English king who had many many wives and created the church of England. (http://www.biography.com/people/henry-viii-9335322#english-reformation DB)
Hewe- servant (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Hewe) (Annalise)
Hoomly- Alternative spelling of homely, meaning ugly http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/homely (Rachel)
Hostelrye - lodging, inn (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Sophia)
Hostelrye- the origin of hostility (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/hostelry)- Samuel P.
Habergeoun - coat of mail (http://literature-dictionary.org/haubergeoun)
Hethenesse: heathen lands (miles) Norton Anthology
hierde = shepherd (http://literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/hierde) (Sara)
Himseleven - himself (http://findwords.info/term/himselven) (Kira)
Hadde- had (Matt)
Heeng - hung (Norton Anthology) (Barrett)
housbondes – husbands (literature-dictionary.org) (Zach)
Houndes- dogs http://literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/houndes (GT)
harping: to talk or write persistently on a specific topic (Alexander
herkneth: to give respectful attention (Peggy)
herkneth: hears, listens to (http://dictionary.babylon.com/herkneth/) Connor
Herberwe - inn (Norton) (Sophia)
Hende- adj. courteous, pleasant (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Cole)
Housbondrye - skillful management, economy (Thomas W - http://sites.fas.harvard.edu/~chaucer/glossar.htm)
Housbondyre: the care/cultivation of edible crops or animals (dictionary.reference.com) (Kori)
Housebonde: Skilled or meaningful (Mattox)
Heled: concealed (Norton Anthology) - Amy
Herkneth/Hearken- to give respectful listening to (Truly- http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hearken)
herte- heart (Rachel) http://www.librarius.com/canttran/mttrfs.htm
Hende- courteous, nice. Norton book (Luis)
Hastou- means excessive speed or urgency of movement or action. (Mattox)
Hoomward - (adjective) directed toward home. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/homeward (Jessica Taetle)

Interlinear - Written or printed between the lines of a text. (Barrett)
Inflection (noun) - the change in pitch or tone of a voice (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/inflection?s=t) (GUS HERMAN GLASSER)
intermittently - adverb - not continues or steady. (Jessica Taetle)
insular - adjective - ignorant or uninterested in cultures. (Jessica Taetle)
inflection (pg.19): changing the forms of words (Samuel)
indite: To charge or accuse someone of a serious crime(alexander)
intoning: to say with no rise and fall of the pitch of the voice. (alexander)
Ilk - family, class, or kind (Peggy)
Iniquitee- Being unfair or evil (Truly- http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/iniquity)
Incubus- Evil spirit that copulates with women in their sleep(http://www.librarius.com/canttran/wftltrfs.htm) Joseph
Inflection (noun) - the change in pitch or tone of a voice (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/inflection?s=t) (GUS HERMAN GLASSER)
intermittently - adverb - not continues or steady. (Jessica Taetle)
insular - adjective - ignorant or uninterested in cultures. (Jessica Taetle)
inflection (pg.19): changing the forms of words (Samuel)
indite: To charge or accuse someone of a serious crime(alexander)
intoning: to say with no rise and fall of the pitch of the voice. (alexander)
Ilk - family, class, or kind (Peggy)
Iniquitee- Being unfair or evil (Truly- http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/iniquity)
Incubus- Evil spirit that copulates with women in their sleep(http://www.librarius.com/canttran/wftltrfs.htm) Joseph

Juxtapose: To place close together or side by side, especially for comparison or contrast. (Thomas W)
Jupon: a tight-fitting garment like a shirt often padded and quilted and worn under medieval armor(Luis)
Jovial - (adjective) markedly good-humored especially as evidenced by jollity and conviviality. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/jovial (Jessica Taetle)
Jet- fashion. (norton book). Max D.
Juge - a judge http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Juge (Tyrik)
joliee: merriment http://sites.fas.harvard.edu/~chaucer/glossar.htm Connor
jape- joke, trick (Rachel) http://www.librarius.com/canttran/mttrfs.htm
Jupon: a tight-fitting garment like a shirt often padded and quilted and worn under medieval armor(Luis)
Jovial - (adjective) markedly good-humored especially as evidenced by jollity and conviviality. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/jovial (Jessica Taetle)
Jet- fashion. (norton book). Max D.
Juge - a judge http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Juge (Tyrik)
joliee: merriment http://sites.fas.harvard.edu/~chaucer/glossar.htm Connor
jape- joke, trick (Rachel) http://www.librarius.com/canttran/mttrfs.htm

keener - characterized by strength of perception (miles)
Kowde: Knew how to (James) -Norton Anthology
Kembd: combed (Norton) (Sophia)
Kinde- hideous(Norton Anthology) (Mattox)
- Keener
- Classified by strength of perception(Joseph)
Kowde: Knew how to (James) -Norton Anthology
Kembd: combed (Norton) (Sophia)
Kinde- hideous(Norton Anthology) (Mattox)

- lakkede = lacked (http://www.gutenberg.org/files/10625/10625-h/dict2.html) (Sara)
- leden = lead (http://literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/lede) (Sara)
- Loller: was a slang term for the unemployed and later applied to the religious and social reformer John Wycliffe (Kappy)
- lordinges – lords (context clues – there’s no definition that I can find) (Zach)
- liotes - using a negative word to further enhance the positive meaning of a word/saying (noah)
- Litotes - ironical understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by the negative of its contrary (Tyrik)
- Lingua-Franca - "the french language," was the language emphasized by the nobles during the Middle Ages. (Kori)
- Litotes- a figure of speech which employs an understatement by using double negatives or, in other words, positive statement is expressed by negating its opposite expressions. (Cole)
- Lurkynge - The act of lurking, stalking, waiting in secret while watching (https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#safe=strict&q=lurkynge) (Gus Glasser)
- Love-knotte - A stylized knot regarded as a symbol of the constancy of two lovers. Also called lovers' knot, true lovers' knot (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/love+knot) (Sophia)
- Listes - lists, tournament grounds (Kappy)
- Licenciat - everything (Kappy)
- lechour = adulterer (http://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/m/mec/med-idx?type=id&id=MED24944) (Sara)
- Lettow- Lithuania (James) http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm
- Licenciat - licensed to hear confessions (Olivia D)
- limitour (noun): a member of one of the four religious orders whose members live by begging (Timo)
- Licentiate: the holder of a certificate of competence to practice a certain profession. (Luis)
- Licentiate- a person who has received a license, as from a university, to practice an art or profession http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/licentiate- Samuel Polay
- Lewed: uneducated (Amy) (Norton Anthology)
- liggen: lie (http://literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/liggen) (Kori)
- Licenciat: a person who has a license granted especially by a university to practice a profession (Peggy)
- Letuaries: Medicine (Henry)
- Lazar- Leper (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Cole)
- Limitour- Obsolete form of limiter. https://www.wordnik.com/words/limitour lindsey
- Leste - it please (Norton Anthology) (Barrett)
- leste: it pleased (miles) Norton Anthology
- Lordinges: gentlemen (miles) Norton anthology
- Leoun - lion (http://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/m/mec/med-idx?type=id&id=MED25699) (Kira)
- List - ear (Norton Anthology) - Samantha
- Leiser- freedom or free time (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/leisure) (Ahmadu)
- lere: Learn (miles) Norton
- Lese: lose (Norton Anthology) - Amy
- Losengeour: deceiver (Norton Anthology) - Amy
- lige: to lie http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Lige Connor
- levere: rather (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Kori)

Mordre - murder (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/mordre) (Gus Glasser
Martyr — martyr (noun): a person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs. (Luis) "dictionary.com"
Maistrie - Master (Jacob:https://www.question.com/dictionary/maistrie.html)
Manuscripts - Book/document/piece of music written by hand rather than typed or printed. (Barrett)
Medieval - Pertaining to the Middle Ages, which began after the collapse of the Roman Empire and led all the way up to the Renaissance. (Kori)
Medieval- The time period between the collapse of the Roman Empire in 500 CE and the Italian Renaissance in 1500 CE, approximately. It is characterized by the flourishing of Christianity in Europe and the shattering of the Romans into several smaller cultures, as well as a large decline in Paganism.
Marie de France - A twelfth-century poet that helped invent the romance genre of western literature. Before, most stories were about battles, mead halls, Christianity, and defeating monsters (like in Beowulf). Now, romance is one of the most popular literature genres. (Kat)
maistrye -- mastery or skill (oxfordreference.com) (Zach)
Moveable Type - Another way of saying "Printing Press" (Michael)
Manere - manner (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/manere#Middle_English) (Kira)
Moot- must http://www.librarius.com/canttran/mttrfs.htm (Rachel)
Morsel- a small piece of food (Wolf)
morewsong- morning song (Norton Anthology) (Annalise)
Meeke: "humble" -librarius.com (Kori)
Mortal Batailes - tournaments fought to the death (Kappy)
Malady - Disease or Ailment (Lawrence)
Maistrye - superlatively fine one (Norton Anthology) (Barrett)
Medley- An assortment of different things (Truly-http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/medley)
Motley- Made up of different things (Truly-http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/motley)
Meagre- Meager, thin, little flesh (Truly- http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/meagre)
Mercenarie- acting out of vain or for money or reward http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/mercenary (GT)
Manciple - an officer who buys provisions for a college, monastery, or other institution (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manciple) / Max F.
Mury- merry (Norton Anthology) (Annalise)
Mirthe- gaiety or jollity, especially when accompanied by laughter http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/mirth (Rachel) Gladness and merriment, especially when expressed by laughter (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/mirth) (Cole)
Mo - more (North Anthology) (Tyrik_
Mateere - marital stuff (http://www.gutenberg.org/files/10625/10625-h/dict2.html) (Kira)
Maister- Master (Northon Anthology)
Melancholy- Gloomy or depressed (Truly- http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/melancholy?s=t)
Merye- being nothing more nor better than (mattox)
Mordre: murder (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Kori)
moot – may, must, ought to (towson.edu) (Zach)
Malady: a disease or ailment of any kind
Mirth- amusement or laughter http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/mirth (GT)
Mede- meadow (Norton Book) Max D.
Morwe: in the morning (miles) Norton
Maugree- in spite of (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/maugre) (Ahmadu)

NeverNamore- No more (Annalise) https://www.wordnik.com/words/namore
Narwe- Narrow. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Narwe (Ethan Ho)
Nave: the principal longitudinal area of a church, extending from the main entrance or narthex to the chancel, usually flanked by aisles of less height and breadth: generally used only by the congregation. (Ethan Ho)
Nave: the main aisle of the church, used by congregation (GT)
Nathelees: meaning none the less (Mattox)
nightertale - at night (Norton Anthology) (Thomas W)
Nightingale- a small but loud songbird that sings in the early morning (http://a-z-animals.com/animals/nightingale/) (Ahmadu)
Nat: No more, nothing (James) https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/nat
Nones - for the occasion (Norton Anthology) - Samantha Dyer
Nosethirles- nostrils http://www.literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/nosethirles (GT)
nouthe- now (Norton Anthology) (Annalise)
Narwe - narrow, small (Thomas W - http://sites.fas.harvard.edu/~chaucer/glossar.htm)
Nigard- a stingy or greedy person (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/niggard) (Ahmadu)
Noot: nothing (http://www.definitions.net/definition/noot) (Kori)
Nice- Foolish (norton Book) Max D.

oblique - neither perpendicular nor parallel to a given line or surface; morally, ethically, or mentally wrong (Samantha) (Will)
ooth- an oath (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Ahmadu)
Outridere – a monk who rode out to supervise the estates of a monastery http://literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/outridere (Tyrik)
Oon - always of same high quality (Norton Anthology) (Barrett)
Offertorye - Part of the mass sung before the offering of alms (Norton) (Sophia)
Octogamye (octogamy) - of two or even eight marriages (Norton Anthology) (Samantha)
T'overbide - to out live (Norton Anthology) (Mattox)
ooth- an oath (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Ahmadu)
Outridere – a monk who rode out to supervise the estates of a monastery http://literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/outridere (Tyrik)
Oon - always of same high quality (Norton Anthology) (Barrett)
Offertorye - Part of the mass sung before the offering of alms (Norton) (Sophia)
Octogamye (octogamy) - of two or even eight marriages (Norton Anthology) (Samantha)
T'overbide - to out live (Norton Anthology) (Mattox)

Privee- secretive. Norton (Ethan Ho)
Pulle: "to pull a finch" (miles) Norton Anthology
Prikyng - verbal noun. tracking (Olivia D) (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm)
Purfiled - adj. lined with fur (Olivia D) (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm)
purtreye: to draw (Connor)
Phonological: the study of the distribution and patterning of speech sounds in a language and of the tacit rules governing pronunciation. (Henry)
Penance: An act of self-abasement, mortification, or devotion performed to show sorrow or repentance for sin. (Thomas W)
Plentevous- a lot of something (Kori)
Preestes- priest http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/priest (Rachel)
Prose: The ordinary and commonplace form of spoken or written language; it is not in a meter or rhyme scheme of any sort unlike poetry. (Ahmadu)
Prose: To talk tediously (Jacob)
Prosody - the study of poetic meters and versification
Prosody- The study of poetic meters and versification(Joseph)
prosody- a specific method of versification (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/prosody?s=t)-Samuel P.
Patron - noun - a person who gives financial or other support to a person
Page: A boy servant or attendant. (Ethan Ho)
pitaunce- donation (Norton Anthology) (Annalise)
preestes = priest (https://en.glosbe.com/enm/en/preest) (Sara)
Prioress - A woman who is the head of a specific order of nuns. She is one rank below an abbess and often in charge of small nunneries. Female corespondent of a Prior. (Kat) (Will) (Michael)
Priketh - pierces (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm)(Sophia)
Priketh - pierces (http://literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/priketh) (Cole)
Poure - To pour out (Jacob:http://www.shmoop.com/canterbury-tales-prologue/cook.html)
Prioress- a woman holding a position corresponding to that of a prior, sometimes ranking next below an abbess. (Truly: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/prioress?s=t)
Prikasour: a hard horseback rider (Amy) (Norton Anthology)
Prelat - an important churchman (Norton Anthology) (Thomas W)
purfled: decorated with an ornamental border (alexander)
Palatye - A moslem (Norton Anthology) (Barrett)
Parchaunce: as as it happened (Amy) (Norton Anthology)
Palmeres: professional pilgrims who had been to the Holy Land http://bit.ly/PALMERES
palfrey: a docile horse, trained usually for women (bad cad dad). (Alexander)
Parish - (noun) a local church with its field of activity. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/parish (Jessica Taetle
Penaunce - (noun) a punishment undergone in token of penitence for sin. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/penance(Jessica Taetle)
Pitaunce (pittance) - donation (Norton Anthology) - Samantha Dyer
Parfit - perfect (Thomas W, Norton Anthology)
Physik - medicine (Thomas W, Norton Anthology)
Penaunce - voluntary self-punishment inflicted as an outward expression of repentance for having done wrong. (Peggy)
Pilwe-beer- pillowcase (Wolf)
psaltery - a type of instrument that is played with a bow but looks like a handheld harp (Alexander)
Pace - Surpass (Jacob)
Pleyn - plain (http://www.wordsense.eu/pleyn/) (Kira)
Pestilence- Plague time (norton book). Max D. Neal
prikasour -- horsemen (literary-definition.com) (Zach)
Purchasour- land-buyer. Lindsey
Protruding- sticking out; projecting (Luis)
Prayden - we prayed (Sophia)
Plighted- To put or give in (Truly-http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/plighted)
Pris: price (Amy) (Norton Anthology)
Precious (fastidious) - hard to please (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/fastidious) - Samantha
Prime: 9 am (Norton) (Sophia)
Parfit - perfect (Norton) Noah
Parfitly: Perfectly (Miles) Norton
Prente - birthmark (Norton Anthology) - Samantha
preambulacioun: introductory statement http://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/m/mec/med-idx?type=id&id=MED34314 (Connor)
Pistel- message (http://www.librarius.com/canttran/wftltrfs.htm) Olivia D
Purveye- provide (Norton) Luis
Paraventure- perchance (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Paraventure) (Ahmadu)
Pulle: "to pull a finch" (miles) Norton Anthology
Prikyng - verbal noun. tracking (Olivia D) (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm)
Purfiled - adj. lined with fur (Olivia D) (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm)
purtreye: to draw (Connor)
Phonological: the study of the distribution and patterning of speech sounds in a language and of the tacit rules governing pronunciation. (Henry)
Penance: An act of self-abasement, mortification, or devotion performed to show sorrow or repentance for sin. (Thomas W)
Plentevous- a lot of something (Kori)
Preestes- priest http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/priest (Rachel)
Prose: The ordinary and commonplace form of spoken or written language; it is not in a meter or rhyme scheme of any sort unlike poetry. (Ahmadu)
Prose: To talk tediously (Jacob)
Prosody - the study of poetic meters and versification
Prosody- The study of poetic meters and versification(Joseph)
prosody- a specific method of versification (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/prosody?s=t)-Samuel P.
Patron - noun - a person who gives financial or other support to a person
Page: A boy servant or attendant. (Ethan Ho)
pitaunce- donation (Norton Anthology) (Annalise)
preestes = priest (https://en.glosbe.com/enm/en/preest) (Sara)
Prioress - A woman who is the head of a specific order of nuns. She is one rank below an abbess and often in charge of small nunneries. Female corespondent of a Prior. (Kat) (Will) (Michael)
Priketh - pierces (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm)(Sophia)
Priketh - pierces (http://literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/priketh) (Cole)
Poure - To pour out (Jacob:http://www.shmoop.com/canterbury-tales-prologue/cook.html)
Prioress- a woman holding a position corresponding to that of a prior, sometimes ranking next below an abbess. (Truly: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/prioress?s=t)
Prikasour: a hard horseback rider (Amy) (Norton Anthology)
Prelat - an important churchman (Norton Anthology) (Thomas W)
purfled: decorated with an ornamental border (alexander)
Palatye - A moslem (Norton Anthology) (Barrett)
Parchaunce: as as it happened (Amy) (Norton Anthology)
Palmeres: professional pilgrims who had been to the Holy Land http://bit.ly/PALMERES
palfrey: a docile horse, trained usually for women (bad cad dad). (Alexander)
Parish - (noun) a local church with its field of activity. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/parish (Jessica Taetle
Penaunce - (noun) a punishment undergone in token of penitence for sin. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/penance(Jessica Taetle)
Pitaunce (pittance) - donation (Norton Anthology) - Samantha Dyer
Parfit - perfect (Thomas W, Norton Anthology)
Physik - medicine (Thomas W, Norton Anthology)
Penaunce - voluntary self-punishment inflicted as an outward expression of repentance for having done wrong. (Peggy)
Pilwe-beer- pillowcase (Wolf)
psaltery - a type of instrument that is played with a bow but looks like a handheld harp (Alexander)
Pace - Surpass (Jacob)
Pleyn - plain (http://www.wordsense.eu/pleyn/) (Kira)
Pestilence- Plague time (norton book). Max D. Neal
prikasour -- horsemen (literary-definition.com) (Zach)
Purchasour- land-buyer. Lindsey
Protruding- sticking out; projecting (Luis)
Prayden - we prayed (Sophia)
Plighted- To put or give in (Truly-http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/plighted)
Pris: price (Amy) (Norton Anthology)
Precious (fastidious) - hard to please (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/fastidious) - Samantha
Prime: 9 am (Norton) (Sophia)
Parfit - perfect (Norton) Noah
Parfitly: Perfectly (Miles) Norton
Prente - birthmark (Norton Anthology) - Samantha
preambulacioun: introductory statement http://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/m/mec/med-idx?type=id&id=MED34314 (Connor)
Pistel- message (http://www.librarius.com/canttran/wftltrfs.htm) Olivia D
Purveye- provide (Norton) Luis
Paraventure- perchance (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Paraventure) (Ahmadu)

Quires-- four sheets of paper folded to make 8 leaves. (Connor)
Quires: A set of 24 uniform sheets of paper. (Ethan Ho)
Quires - four sheets of paper or parchment folded to form eight leaves, as in medieval manuscripts. (Will)
Quoth- An old word for said. (Truly- http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/quoth)
Quite (quyt) – verb Repaid (http://www.literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/quyt) To requite or pay back (Norton Anthology) (Cole)
Quires: A set of 24 uniform sheets of paper. (Ethan Ho)
Quires - four sheets of paper or parchment folded to form eight leaves, as in medieval manuscripts. (Will)
Quoth- An old word for said. (Truly- http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/quoth)
Quite (quyt) – verb Repaid (http://www.literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/quyt) To requite or pay back (Norton Anthology) (Cole)

Repertour- record keeper. http://literature-dictionary.org/reportour (Ethan Ho)
repreve = insult (verb) (http://sites.fas.harvard.edu/~chaucer/glossar.htm) (Sara)
Raughte- reached (Norton Anthology) (Annalise)
Retainers: a follower of a noble wealthy person. (Amy)
Rollicking - super duper lively and excited! Gleeful and boiserous. In the verb (to rollick) can be to walk frivolously and carefree! Like a romp! Or a Frolic! What a jovial idea! (Lawrence)
Roman: was initially applied in French to a work written in the French vernacular (Kappy)
Rote- fiddle (Norton Anthology) (Annalise)
rudeliche – crudely, ignorantly (literature-dictionary.org) (Zach)
Reformation - a powerful religious movement that began in the early sixteenth century and repudiated the supreme authority of the Roman Catholic Church (Samantha)
Rollicking - exuberantly lively and amusing (Tyrik)
Rossignol - a French word meaning “nightingale.” Nightingales were often seen as sources of inspiration in much of British culture, and they were often featured in Medieval and Renaissance literature (Cole)
rossignol (pg.13): The french word for nightingale (Samuel)
Ram- The zodiac sign. (Truly: Retrieved from the book's footnotes)
rosted-roasted (Wolf
Relikes: Relics (miles) Norton Anthology
Reeve: the manager or foreman of a manor (kappy)
repentaunt- expressing remorse (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/repentant) (Annalise)
Royalliche - Rich (Norton Anthology) / Max F.
recorde: you recall it (miles) Norton Anthology
reherce- repeat (Wolf)
rudeliche- rudely (Wolf)
Rekeninges- bills (Wolf)
Remenaunt - a remaining group of people (http://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/m/mec/med-idx?type=id&id=MED36708) (Kira)
Reportour- accountant (Norton Anthology)
renneth: runs (miles) Norton Anthology
Ribaldry: talk that makes sexual references that is considered either rude or showing little to no respect. (Alexander)
rewe: In a row (miles) Norton Anthology
Rad: read (Norton Anthology) - Amy

Samaritan: a charitable or helpful person. (googledictionary.com) Luis
scole = school (http://literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/scole) (Sara)
stat: financial condition (miles) Norton Anthology
smerte: whether he was pleased or grieved (miles) Norton Anthology
Satalye- location in Antalya
http://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/acref/9780198117650.001.0001/acref-9780198117650-e-1553 (Rachel)
seethe- boil (Norton Anthology) (Annalise)
servysable: willing to serve (Connor)
Sergeant – a person of power in the government or protection http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/sergeant?s=ts (GT)
Southwark: a borough of central great London (Luis)
Strata - A level or grade of a people or population with reference to social position, education, etc. (Barrett)
Salient-most noticeable or important. (John)
Sir Thomas Mallory - Wrote the legends of Arther and the Knights of the Round Table (Sophia)
Strata: a level or grade of a people or population esp. with reference to social position and education (Cole)
Synecdoche -- a figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa (Will)
Straunge Strondes - foreign shores (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Sophia)
Sundry- Various/disperse. (Truly: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/sundry?s=t)
Smerte- Danish word for pain https://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smerte (Rachel)
Sondry - Various/different (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) / Max F.
Southwark (noun): then a suburb of London, south of the Thames River. (Timo)
Swinke - work (Norton Anthology) (Thomas W)
semely – appropriate, conforming (innerlea.com) (Zach)
Sheef - A group of things fastened together (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sheaf) / Max F.
Shoon- Shoes- (http://www.yourdictionary.com/shoon) (Matt)
Straunge Strondes: Foreign Shores (Norton Anthology), Max Dudukovich
stonden = past participle of stand (https://www.wordnik.com/words/stonden) (Sara)
Semely: in a seemly, proper manner (miles) Norton Anthology
Soverein: "exellence" - librarius.com (Kori)
Sondry- relating to sundries, various or diverse http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/sundry- Samuel Polay
Somdeel, Somdel - adv. somewhat, partly (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm)
Soveryen- most excellent http://literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/sovereyn (GT)
Sanguine- reddish http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/sanguine
Skirmish (noun) - Military. a fight between small bodies of troops,especially advanced or outlying detachments of opposing armies. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/skirmish (Jessica Taetle)
Sickerly - certainly, truly (Jacob:http://literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/sikerly)
sippe = sip (https://sites.fas.harvard.edu/~chaucer/teachslf/wbt-par.htm) (Sara)
Solempne - festive (Olivia D) Solemn; http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Solempne grand; stately; splendid; magnificent. (Rachel)
Smerte- verb. suffers (Olivia D)
Superfluity - an excessive amount of something (Lawrence)
Saucefleem: pimply (Amy) (Norton Anthology)
Scathe: a pity (Amy) (Norton Anthology)
Somdeel- somdel, somdeel adv. somewhat, partly http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm (Ethan Ho)
Shriven - (verb) to impose penance on (a sinner). http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/shrive (Jessica Taetle)
Sendal - silk (Norton Anthology) - Samantha Dyer
Saint Paul's porch - The portico of Saint Paul's Cathedral, where clients would consult with lawyers (Kappy) (General Prol 310)
Sanguin - Owned without legal impediments (http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/sanguine)
Solempnely- ceremoniously, solemnly(Mattox)
solas- delight (Norton Anthology) (Annalise)
Sondry - various or different (http://www.literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/sondry) (Kori)
Sterres - stars (Thomas W, Norton Anthology)
Science - knowledge (Thomas W, Norton Anthology)
Shiten- made dirty or unclean (Norton Anthology) (Ahmadu)
Scoley: to go to school, to study (Peggy)
Sautrye: law cases and decisions (Peggy)
Sclendre - lean, feeble http://literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/sclendre (Tyrik)
Saucefleem - pimpled (http://literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/saucefleem) (Kira)
Sownynge - concern (http://littlenotables.weebly.com/uploads/1/3/1/4/13145069/chaucer_genpro_portraits.pdf) (Kira)
"Sop in win" - bread soaked in wine (Kori)
soper = diinner (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Sara)
Shamfastnesse- Modesty (Olivia D)
Southe- truth (Olivia D)
Shamefastnesse: bashfulness (Peggy)
Stond: to stand (Peggy)
Seche: to seek (Peggy)
Soothe- truth (Norton) (Ahmadu)
spare: spare anyone (miles) Norton Anthology
stoon- stone (Norton Anthology) (Annalise)
seeche - seek (Norton) (Sophia)
sauf- unharmed, unhurt (french origin) http://dictionary.reverso.net/french-english/sauf (Rachel)
Stonden- an obstacle (https://www.wordnik.com/words/stonden)(Kira)
Shamefastness- modesty (Norton Anthology)
Sautrye - psaltry; a harp-like instrument (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Sophia)
Scole- school (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Ahmadu)
Sely - innocent (Norton Anthology) - Samantha
Stape: advanced (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Kori)
squireth = escorts (http://ummutility.umm.maine.edu/necastro/chaucer/translation/ct/07wbt.html) (Sara)
Stinte - stop, cease, hesitate, delay (Thomas W - http://sites.fas.harvard.edu/~chaucer/glossar.htm)
Stevene - voice, talk, sound (Thomas W - http://sites.fas.harvard.edu/~chaucer/glossar.htm)
Sluggard - (noun) a person who is habitually inactive or lazy. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/sluggard?s=t (Jessica Taetle)
Sely- poor innocent. Norton (Ethan Ho)
Swoon- to become enraptured http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/swoon (GT)
Sodeinly- means occurring without transition from the previous form like sudden or suddenly (Mattox)
Swyved: copulated with http://literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/swyved (Peggy)
Sojourne - (verb) to stay for a time in a place; live temporarily. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/sojourn (Jessica Taetle)
Sauf- safe (Norton) Luis
Sterte- started (Norton) Luis
Secree: Reliable and also closemouthed (miles) Norton
Stirte: start http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Stirte Connor
scole = school (http://literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/scole) (Sara)
stat: financial condition (miles) Norton Anthology
smerte: whether he was pleased or grieved (miles) Norton Anthology
Satalye- location in Antalya
http://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/acref/9780198117650.001.0001/acref-9780198117650-e-1553 (Rachel)
seethe- boil (Norton Anthology) (Annalise)
servysable: willing to serve (Connor)
Sergeant – a person of power in the government or protection http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/sergeant?s=ts (GT)
Southwark: a borough of central great London (Luis)
Strata - A level or grade of a people or population with reference to social position, education, etc. (Barrett)
Salient-most noticeable or important. (John)
Sir Thomas Mallory - Wrote the legends of Arther and the Knights of the Round Table (Sophia)
Strata: a level or grade of a people or population esp. with reference to social position and education (Cole)
Synecdoche -- a figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa (Will)
Straunge Strondes - foreign shores (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Sophia)
Sundry- Various/disperse. (Truly: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/sundry?s=t)
Smerte- Danish word for pain https://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smerte (Rachel)
Sondry - Various/different (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) / Max F.
Southwark (noun): then a suburb of London, south of the Thames River. (Timo)
Swinke - work (Norton Anthology) (Thomas W)
semely – appropriate, conforming (innerlea.com) (Zach)
Sheef - A group of things fastened together (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sheaf) / Max F.
Shoon- Shoes- (http://www.yourdictionary.com/shoon) (Matt)
Straunge Strondes: Foreign Shores (Norton Anthology), Max Dudukovich
stonden = past participle of stand (https://www.wordnik.com/words/stonden) (Sara)
Semely: in a seemly, proper manner (miles) Norton Anthology
Soverein: "exellence" - librarius.com (Kori)
Sondry- relating to sundries, various or diverse http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/sundry- Samuel Polay
Somdeel, Somdel - adv. somewhat, partly (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm)
Soveryen- most excellent http://literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/sovereyn (GT)
Sanguine- reddish http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/sanguine
Skirmish (noun) - Military. a fight between small bodies of troops,especially advanced or outlying detachments of opposing armies. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/skirmish (Jessica Taetle)
Sickerly - certainly, truly (Jacob:http://literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/sikerly)
sippe = sip (https://sites.fas.harvard.edu/~chaucer/teachslf/wbt-par.htm) (Sara)
Solempne - festive (Olivia D) Solemn; http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Solempne grand; stately; splendid; magnificent. (Rachel)
Smerte- verb. suffers (Olivia D)
Superfluity - an excessive amount of something (Lawrence)
Saucefleem: pimply (Amy) (Norton Anthology)
Scathe: a pity (Amy) (Norton Anthology)
Somdeel- somdel, somdeel adv. somewhat, partly http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm (Ethan Ho)
Shriven - (verb) to impose penance on (a sinner). http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/shrive (Jessica Taetle)
Sendal - silk (Norton Anthology) - Samantha Dyer
Saint Paul's porch - The portico of Saint Paul's Cathedral, where clients would consult with lawyers (Kappy) (General Prol 310)
Sanguin - Owned without legal impediments (http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/sanguine)
Solempnely- ceremoniously, solemnly(Mattox)
solas- delight (Norton Anthology) (Annalise)
Sondry - various or different (http://www.literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/sondry) (Kori)
Sterres - stars (Thomas W, Norton Anthology)
Science - knowledge (Thomas W, Norton Anthology)
Shiten- made dirty or unclean (Norton Anthology) (Ahmadu)
Scoley: to go to school, to study (Peggy)
Sautrye: law cases and decisions (Peggy)
Sclendre - lean, feeble http://literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/sclendre (Tyrik)
Saucefleem - pimpled (http://literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/saucefleem) (Kira)
Sownynge - concern (http://littlenotables.weebly.com/uploads/1/3/1/4/13145069/chaucer_genpro_portraits.pdf) (Kira)
"Sop in win" - bread soaked in wine (Kori)
soper = diinner (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Sara)
Shamfastnesse- Modesty (Olivia D)
Southe- truth (Olivia D)
Shamefastnesse: bashfulness (Peggy)
Stond: to stand (Peggy)
Seche: to seek (Peggy)
Soothe- truth (Norton) (Ahmadu)
spare: spare anyone (miles) Norton Anthology
stoon- stone (Norton Anthology) (Annalise)
seeche - seek (Norton) (Sophia)
sauf- unharmed, unhurt (french origin) http://dictionary.reverso.net/french-english/sauf (Rachel)
Stonden- an obstacle (https://www.wordnik.com/words/stonden)(Kira)
Shamefastness- modesty (Norton Anthology)
Sautrye - psaltry; a harp-like instrument (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Sophia)
Scole- school (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Ahmadu)
Sely - innocent (Norton Anthology) - Samantha
Stape: advanced (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Kori)
squireth = escorts (http://ummutility.umm.maine.edu/necastro/chaucer/translation/ct/07wbt.html) (Sara)
Stinte - stop, cease, hesitate, delay (Thomas W - http://sites.fas.harvard.edu/~chaucer/glossar.htm)
Stevene - voice, talk, sound (Thomas W - http://sites.fas.harvard.edu/~chaucer/glossar.htm)
Sluggard - (noun) a person who is habitually inactive or lazy. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/sluggard?s=t (Jessica Taetle)
Sely- poor innocent. Norton (Ethan Ho)
Swoon- to become enraptured http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/swoon (GT)
Sodeinly- means occurring without transition from the previous form like sudden or suddenly (Mattox)
Swyved: copulated with http://literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/swyved (Peggy)
Sojourne - (verb) to stay for a time in a place; live temporarily. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/sojourn (Jessica Taetle)
Sauf- safe (Norton) Luis
Sterte- started (Norton) Luis
Secree: Reliable and also closemouthed (miles) Norton
Stirte: start http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Stirte Connor

Trewely- truly http://www.literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/trewely
Togidres- A Middle English form of togethers. https://www.wordnik.com/words/togidres (Ethan Ho)
Thomas of England - A twelfth-century poet that helped invent the romance genre of western literature. Before, most stories were about battles, mead halls, Christianity, and defeating monsters (like in Beowulf). Now, romance is one of the most popular literature genres. (Kat)
Tithes- any tax, levy, or the like, especially of one-tenth.http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/tithe (Rachel)
Tretis: well-formed (Amy) (Norton Anthology)
Therto - morevover (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Thomas W)
Trowe: Believe (Norton Anthology), Max Dudukovich.
Tappestere- barmaid (Olivia D)
tithes – “one tenth of annual produce or earnings, formerly taken as a tax for the support of the church and clergy.” (google’s definition) (Zach)
Taffeta - silk, smooth hand woven cloth (Lawrence) a medium-weight or light-weight fabric of acetate, nylon, rayon, or silk, usually smooth,crisp, and lustrous, plain-woven, and with a fine crosswise rib effect (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/taffeta) (Cole)
thredbare- having the nap worn off so that the thread shows. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/threadbare (Ethan Ho)
temperament - a persons characteristics that control their behavior.
Taryynge: to stay longer than intended (Peggy)
Tarying- to delay (http://findwords.info/term/tarrying) (Ahmadu)
tretis -- a treaty (thefreedictionary.com) (Zach)
Twaye - two (Thomas W, http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm)
Th'estaat- the state (Wolf)
Thanne- Than (Matt) (http://www.yourdictionary.com/thanne)
Togidres- adv. Together (http://www.onelook.com/?lang=all&w=togidres) (Cole)
Tabard-Tavern (Wolf)
Tarrying- To be slow in going or to stay in one place (Truly- http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/tarrying)
Trewely- truly http://www.literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/trewely (GT)
Tweye- two http://www.literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/tweye (GT)
Toon - toes (Thomas W - http://sites.fas.harvard.edu/~chaucer/glossar.htm)
Therewithal - on top of that (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/therewithal) Noah
Trowe- the think or believe (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/trow) (Ahmadu)
trowe: obsolete http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/trow Connor
Thilke - that (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/thilke) (Kira)
Togidres- A Middle English form of togethers. https://www.wordnik.com/words/togidres (Ethan Ho)
Thomas of England - A twelfth-century poet that helped invent the romance genre of western literature. Before, most stories were about battles, mead halls, Christianity, and defeating monsters (like in Beowulf). Now, romance is one of the most popular literature genres. (Kat)
Tithes- any tax, levy, or the like, especially of one-tenth.http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/tithe (Rachel)
Tretis: well-formed (Amy) (Norton Anthology)
Therto - morevover (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Thomas W)
Trowe: Believe (Norton Anthology), Max Dudukovich.
Tappestere- barmaid (Olivia D)
tithes – “one tenth of annual produce or earnings, formerly taken as a tax for the support of the church and clergy.” (google’s definition) (Zach)
Taffeta - silk, smooth hand woven cloth (Lawrence) a medium-weight or light-weight fabric of acetate, nylon, rayon, or silk, usually smooth,crisp, and lustrous, plain-woven, and with a fine crosswise rib effect (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/taffeta) (Cole)
thredbare- having the nap worn off so that the thread shows. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/threadbare (Ethan Ho)
temperament - a persons characteristics that control their behavior.
Taryynge: to stay longer than intended (Peggy)
Tarying- to delay (http://findwords.info/term/tarrying) (Ahmadu)
tretis -- a treaty (thefreedictionary.com) (Zach)
Twaye - two (Thomas W, http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm)
Th'estaat- the state (Wolf)
Thanne- Than (Matt) (http://www.yourdictionary.com/thanne)
Togidres- adv. Together (http://www.onelook.com/?lang=all&w=togidres) (Cole)
Tabard-Tavern (Wolf)
Tarrying- To be slow in going or to stay in one place (Truly- http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/tarrying)
Trewely- truly http://www.literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/trewely (GT)
Tweye- two http://www.literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/tweye (GT)
Toon - toes (Thomas W - http://sites.fas.harvard.edu/~chaucer/glossar.htm)
Therewithal - on top of that (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/therewithal) Noah
Trowe- the think or believe (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/trow) (Ahmadu)
trowe: obsolete http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/trow Connor
Thilke - that (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/thilke) (Kira)

Undergrowe: Undergrown (Oxford English Dictionary) Michael
Unpretentiously - Not ostentatious (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/pretentious)
Untrewe- meaning untrue or not true(Mattox)
Unnethe - with difficulty (Norton) (Sophia)
Unpretentiously - Not ostentatious (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/pretentious)
Untrewe- meaning untrue or not true(Mattox)
Unnethe - with difficulty (Norton) (Sophia)

Viage- n.1.A voyage; a journey. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Viage (Ethan Ho)
Vernacular - Language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or region. (Barrett)
Vocative - elating to or denoting a case of nouns (Tyrik)
Verisimilitude-the appearance of being true or real (John)
Vernacular: expressed or written in the native language of a place, as literary works. (Ethan Ho)Versification- verse form, metrical structure (Rachel)
Vellum- fine parchment made originally from the skin of a calf (Cole)
Vellum- paper made from the skin of a calf, usually used for writing (GT)
Venerie (venery) - Pursuit of sexual activity or Hunting (Completely related but same definitions) (Lawrence)
Vileness - wretchedly bad (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/vileness?s=t) - Samantha
Vertu - knowledge or expertise in fine arts (Peggy)
Vavasour - Fuedal landholder of lowest rank (Norton Anthology) (Barrett)
Vavsour- a tenant of a baron https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vavasour (GT)
Verray: very true (Peggy)
vitaile – victuals – food or provisions prepared for consumption (google’s definition) (Zach)
venerye -- sexual indulgence (google's definition)
Viage- Journey (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Cole)
Vitaile - victuals, provisions, stock of food (Thomas W, http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm)
vileynye: evil, rudeness, shame, dishonor (http://dictionary.babylon.com/vileynye/) Connor
Voirdit: verdict (Amy) (Norton Anthology)
Vouche-sauf: to agree (http://www.literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/vouche-sauf) (Matt)
Vileynye - evil/rudeness (http://dictionary.babylon.com/vileynye/) (Kira)
Vilainye: wicked or criminal behavior (Luis) (googledictionary.com)
Vigilies (noun) - Evening service before a religious holiday (Norton) (Jessica Taetle)
Verrailiche: truly (Norton) (Sophia)
Vernacular - Language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or region. (Barrett)
Vocative - elating to or denoting a case of nouns (Tyrik)
Verisimilitude-the appearance of being true or real (John)
Vernacular: expressed or written in the native language of a place, as literary works. (Ethan Ho)Versification- verse form, metrical structure (Rachel)
Vellum- fine parchment made originally from the skin of a calf (Cole)
Vellum- paper made from the skin of a calf, usually used for writing (GT)
Venerie (venery) - Pursuit of sexual activity or Hunting (Completely related but same definitions) (Lawrence)
Vileness - wretchedly bad (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/vileness?s=t) - Samantha
Vertu - knowledge or expertise in fine arts (Peggy)
Vavasour - Fuedal landholder of lowest rank (Norton Anthology) (Barrett)
Vavsour- a tenant of a baron https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vavasour (GT)
Verray: very true (Peggy)
vitaile – victuals – food or provisions prepared for consumption (google’s definition) (Zach)
venerye -- sexual indulgence (google's definition)
Viage- Journey (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Cole)
Vitaile - victuals, provisions, stock of food (Thomas W, http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm)
vileynye: evil, rudeness, shame, dishonor (http://dictionary.babylon.com/vileynye/) Connor
Voirdit: verdict (Amy) (Norton Anthology)
Vouche-sauf: to agree (http://www.literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/vouche-sauf) (Matt)
Vileynye - evil/rudeness (http://dictionary.babylon.com/vileynye/) (Kira)
Vilainye: wicked or criminal behavior (Luis) (googledictionary.com)
Vigilies (noun) - Evening service before a religious holiday (Norton) (Jessica Taetle)
Verrailiche: truly (Norton) (Sophia)

wirche- work (Norton Anthology)
wiste = knew (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Sara)
Withalle- adv. indeed, moreover http://dictionary.babylon.com/withalle/ (Ethan Ho)
Wraye- Disclose. Norton. (Ethan Ho)
wrothe = wrathful, angry (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/wroth) (Sara)
Warred: to engage in war (Henry)
Wield: a verb that means to have something (like a tool) in one’s possession with the ability to use it (Annalise)
wight = any living creature (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/wight) (Sara)
Wol - will
Wone- custom http://literature-dictionary.org/Chaucers-Middle-English-Glossary/wone (GT)
woning- dwelling (Norton Anthology) (Annalise)
http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Wol (Tyrik)
Wyped - to be wiped away (Jacob:http://onlineslangdictionary.com/meaning-definition-of/wiped)
Wimpel – a woman’s headcloth drawn in folds about the chin, formerly worn outdoors, and still in use by some nuns http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/wimple (Tyrik)
Wenden - to turn (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/wenden) (Barrett)
Wel - very (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/wel) (Barrett)
Whelp- a puppy (Luis)
Whelkes: pimples (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Sophia)
wight- a person or creature (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Annalise)
withsaye- contradict (Norton Anthology) (Annalise)
Wantoune - Jovial (Thomas W, Norton Anthology)
Wroughte- beat or or hammer something (usually metal) to shape it (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/wrought) (Ahmadu)
wantoness: to give in to self indulgence of flirtation and romance. (Alexander)
Wood- crazy (norton Book). Max D.
Whilom: once upon a time (Amy) (Norton Anthology)
Whilom- onceupon a time (Norton Anthology)
Wight – noun a living being, creature, or person (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/wight) (Cole)
Wyf- wife (Rachel) http://www.librarius.com/canttran/mttrfs.htm
Wiring - knowledge (Thomas W - Norton Anthology)
wifhood: of being a wife http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/wifehood Connor
wol: will http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Wol Connor
Wlatsom: loathsome (Norton Anthology) - Amy
wight – person (middle-english-beyond-chaucer.blogspot.com) (Zach)
woltow: wilt https://www.wordnik.com/words/woltow (Connor)
weylawey: Alas https://en.glosbe.com/enm/en/weylawey (Connor)
Wolde - meant (Jacob)

ybleint- turn aside (Norton Anthology) (Annalise)
Yemanly - In a yeoman (subordinate) manner http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/yeomanly (Gus Gl)
Yeoman - a person who cultivates the land that he/she owns (noah)
Yeman- a servant, attendant, or subordinate official in a royal or other great household. (Truly: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/yeoman)
Yerse - Pain, suffering, grief (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/smerte) / Max F.
yit = yet (https://en.glosbe.com/enm/en/yit) (Sara)
Yeddinges- A poem or song; a saying; also, a recitation (spoken or sung) of a verse narrative (http://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/m/mec/med-idx?type=id&id=MED53785) (Cole)
Yfalle - fallen (http://whowillbethenextonline.com/chaucer-prologue-19-34-f.php) (Kira)
Yronne – to run http://www.yourdictionary.com/yronne (Tyrik)
Yronne - past participle of run https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/yronne (Gus Gl)
Yeoman- is a free born servant who travels along with the Knight's entourage. (Olivia)
Yen- eyes (Olivia D) (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm)
Ycleped- named or called (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ycleped) (Ahmadu)
Yshrive - absolved (Norton Anthology) (Barrett)
Ybore - Around him (Norton Anthology) (Barrett)
Yiven- The past particle of yive which means to give (Mattox)
Yeddinges- a poem or song or saying (http://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/m/mec/med-idx?type=id&id=MED53785) (Ahmadu)
Ylad - vigourous, lively, active http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/yald (Tyrik)
Yeelde: pay (miles) Norton Anthology
yvel = evil, wicked (http://www.librarius.com/gy.htm) (Sara)
Yaf- means to have given something
Yvele: displeased http://literature-dictionary.org/tolkiens-middle-earth-dictionary/yvele_apayd (Peggy)
Yelden- pay, surrender (http://www.librarius.com/canttran/wftltrfs.ht) Olivia D